Monday, 18 June 2012

I have a new love...

O.K. all you seasoned pro's out there when did you ditch your nappy bag? or did you just start carrying two?! I'm a bit sick of lugging around 20 kilos of gear for my 10 kilo baby *sigh* 

I also found this little vintage cutie today.

He's so soft and buttery, the most perfect of navy's and I love him. I thought about putting him up for sale, but I love him! I want to use him every day, not just the rare occasions I'm out and about sans baby.

Look there's a spot for my Ipad...

and business cards...

lots of room for my wallet, phone, notebook, keys, and the rest of the miscellaneous junk that will creep in. Though he inspires me to try harder to keep a clean bag, I'm realistic.

This is the ugly mum bag I'd be giving up on to be with him. This ol' bag has seen better days, I liked her once, but that was some time ago now and I find myself liking her less and less as days go on. To the point that I often just leave her home anyway. She's performed admirably, survived a career change from family support worker, to mummy, a fall out of the ambulance into the mud (yes I, and my newly c sectioned middle, went with her) she's accompanied me to all our appointments and I used to like her. 

But I'm ready to move on, not just from her, but from the whole crazy, traumatic, overwhelming, joyful, inspiring first year of mummy hood that she represents. And I want to do it with this sleek, handsome stranger. I want to be the put together, knows who she is and what she's doing woman who carries this looker around. I'm ready to move on from the frumpy, lost and terrified woman with the old, haggard mum bag.

Does anyone survive with keeping a spare nappy and wipe in the car? Is it to soon to ditch the mummy bag for the cute new comer?!

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