Thursday, 1 November 2012

My Creative Space

If you follow me on Instagram you would see that I've joined the #mycreativespace #amonthof challenge. If you're not following me on Instagram - get to it! I'm @lalalovevintage.


Here are the images I shared of my creative space today

Now, just to clear up any misconceptions, like I have my creative space all set up, it looks amazing and is in perfect order and perfectly styled - its not. I'd show photos, but that would be boring. Just imagine a giant pile of stuff that needs to be hauled to an opp shop already, fabric spilling out of every nook and cranny, piles and piles of things that don't have homes. It still needs work.... a. lot. of. work.

I'm hoping to use this month of creativity to my advantage and create a space that I love, while also completing my giant Christmas to do list. This year is a handmade Christmas, so the list is scary big.

Am hoping not to be my normal procrastinaty self and get everything done in good time - flash forward to Christmas Eve and you can bet your a*** I'll be up all night finishing everything off, or rocking in the foetal position in a corner.

What about you, are you participating in the My Creative Space challenge? Or have you committed yourself to a handmade Christmas?

Or are you a fellow Tassie Chick who is getting super psyched for the Deloraine Craft Fair this weekend!?

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